About Be JackieStrong

About Jackie

Jacqueline (Jackie) Marie Guerra lived a life of epic proportions. In her thirty-seven years, she defied all the odds set against her and did it with a smile. A congenital heart patient from birth, her first open heart surgery was at four-years-old. It was likely she wouldn't survive. Yet, she did.

She went on to survive several more, nine different pacer devices, lead transplants and countless countless aortic arrhythmias that plagued her for her entire life.

In 2020, just as the Covid-19 pandemic shut down the country, Jackie was diagnosed with Leukemia. Her diagnosis was less than a week before her 36th birthday.

In order to help her and her family withstand the storm, a GoFundMe was created and thus, a movement was born.

Be JackieStrong took off. Her journey through her leukemia diagnosis showcased her bravery, her resolve and her tenacity to live just a little bit longer. She created a village.

Jackie lives on in the Be JackieStrong Team, headed up by her loving and devoted husband, Matt Guerra, along with long time family friend, Terrii Wachala. Together, with our two editors Elle Morales and Caitlyn Simpson, we plan to preserve Jackie's legacy for years to come.

Meet the JackieStrong Team

Matt Guerra

Matt and Jackie were married on September 7, 2013 after a long engagement. They had four beautiful children, two boys and two girls. Their first daughter, Olivia, passed away at 6-months-old.

Matt has been Jackie's rock and partner for over 16 years.

Caitlyn Simpson

Caitlyn, AKA "the babysitter", began babysitting as a summer job for Jackie in 2013. During her time, she was able to meet all four of Jackie's children and quickly became fast friends.

Caitlyn is the newest addition to the team, and she brings an extra bubbly personality that embodies Jackie.