Frequently Asked Questions

What is this page for?

Right now, this page is a place for us to remember our friend, Jackie. It's a landing page for updates on what the Be JackieStrong Team is doing to preserve her memory. In time, we hope to find a way to give back.

How can I support Jackie's family?

There are currently no more fundraisers to support Jackie's family. They have asked that we change the trajectory and find ways to give back to the community that gave them so much support.

Can I reach out to Jackie's family through this website?

While we appreciate the outpouring of support, we cannot connect you directly to Jackie's family. Her husband Matt is part of the Be JackieStrong team, however he and other family members need their privacy.

Is there a place I can go to pay my respects to Jackie? Where is she laid to rest?

At this time, the family hasn't announced where Jackie will be laid to rest for privacy reasons. If you'd like to pay your respects to her, you can do that just about anywhere! Jackie is all around us. Go somewhere pretty and talk to her. She can hear you.

If you want to do something to honor her, sign up to be an organ donor, donate platelets, blood, or sign up to be a bone marrow donor. Those life saving treatments could help another family from losing a loved one. I can't think of a better way to honor her than that. There will be other ways to keep her legacy alive, so I hope you'll follow the Facebook Page to keep in touch with me, Matt and the kids!

What is the significance of the butterfly and phoenix logos?

Both of our logos were designed by Catherine Lamb. The butterfly, whom we affectionately named Calliope, was our first logo. Jackie wanted an orange butterfly to stand for her newest struggle with leukemia. Calliope has been with us since the beginning. In 2022, when Jackie went back into the hospital for her new device and things started to get tough, Catherine designed a new logo for the next struggle. Terrii thought of a phoenix, as no one has ever risen from the ashes more times than Jackie. Since her last and longest struggle was heart related, the phoenix is surrounded by hearts, representing how time and time again, Jackie faced her heart disease with bravery.